Hi, Iā€™m Parker

I am a web developer, birder, and musician interested in the intersection of conservation, research, sound, and coding.

Black and white image of Parker


Equestion Volunteer Scheduler screenshot

Equestrian Volunteer Scheduler

Custom server-rendered full stack administrative web application with role-based access control for local non-profit

React Remix Typescript SQlite Prisma CI/CD TailwindCSS Playwright Zod

Rare Bird Alert

Full stack web app extending the features and styles of the eBird Rare Bird Alert

Sveltekit/Svelte TailwindCSS Javascript CSS HTML


Automatically gather weather data for eBird checklists using historical weather APIs. Used by thousands of people every week.

Svelte Javascript CSS HTML

Birds Make Sound Blog

Personal writing about birds, sound, and audio recording.

11ty SSG HTML CSS Javascript Markdown Nunjucks

Portfolio Sites

Minimally-styled mobile-response portfolio sites

11ty SSG HTML CSS Javascript Markdown Nunjucks



Reach out if you want to collaborate on any project, big or small!